Bylaws are the legal framework on which a hospital or health system functions. Your facility’s bylaws cover all aspects of its operations, but your office is focused primarily on the medical staff bylaws. This week’s free resource comes from ...
When developing an aging physician policy, consider a fitness to work evaluation in which physicians must undergo a physical and mental examination once they reach a certain age (as defined in your policy). This free resource is a sample screening tool that the physician conducting the fitness...
There is good protection for physicians who engage in peer review activities, such as legal immunity from damages under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986, which is often reinforced by similar state statutes. However, these statutes cannot keep lawsuits from being filed. Therefore,...
One way to encourage physician proctoring is to make it a medical staff expectation—either informally through your culture or formally through your medical staff governance documents. At St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, California, the medical staff rules and regulations and bylaws make...
Most medical staffs and healthcare organizations have found it challenging to find physicians willing and available to proctor colleagues. In hospital settings, many medical staffs overcome these barriers by making proctoring an obligation of staff membership. Usually, this is facilitated by a...
Policy and procedure Circumstances under which temporary privileges may be granted
Temporary privileges may be granted by the hospital CEO to a practitioner who meets one of the following circumstances and the minimum criteria as defined...
Although sometimes used interchangeably, emergency, disaster, and temporary privileges are three separate types of privileges to be used in...Read More »
In 2015, the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) quietly updated its guidelines. In this 90-minute webinar, expert Todd Sagin, MD, JD, reviews the new guidelines, which include expanded definitions of “investigations” that can trigger reports to the NPDB. Attendees also learn...
In 2014, CMS updated key provisions of its medical staff Conditions of Participation, reversing itself on two elements. The final rule now allows multihospital systems to have one unified, integrated medical staff and hospital governing boards need not have medical staff as members. The...