Nobody likes a bully, and as we all know, bullies can come in many shapes and sizes. In the healthcare setting, bullying is a disruptive behavior...Read More »
Navigating the reappointment process, with its patchwork of expiration dates and verification expectations, can be difficult for ambulatory...Read More »
The basic work of the credentials committee will depend on the credentialing process model the organization uses. Regardless of the process, the roles and responsibilities of the credentials committee need to be laid out either in the medical staff bylaws or policies and procedures. This chart...
Provisional credentialing is an optional process that a health plan may incorporate into its credentialing policy. This process provides a managed...Read More »
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requires medical staff bylaws address who can perform the history and physical examination and in what time frame the history and physical exam must be completed. This free resource is sample bylaws addressing the completion of history and...
According to a 2016 report from the Association of American Medical Colleges, the United States could experience a shortage of 61,700–94,700 physicians by 2025. As the physician pool dwindles, and technology rapidly advances, more and more medical staffs will turn to telemedicine solutions to...
For legal and financial reasons, economic credentialing is a concern of the governing board, not of the medical staff. Antitrust laws preclude...Read More »
All hospitals should have policies regarding conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest policy goes a long way toward eliminating the possibility of undisclosed conflicts. This conflict of interest policy delineates the expectation of disclosure of conflict of interest and how to resolve the...
CMS requires that medical staffs must have a policy for fair hearing and appeal. An applicant or an individual holding a medical staff appointment...Read More »