Each individual practitioner who either applies for or maintains medical staff membership and/ or privileges has the burden of providing evidence that demonstrates that he or she meets the hospital’s established criteria for membership and/or privileges. This policy applies at the time of...
Per most states’ hospital licensure requirements, medical staff membership and clinical privileges are granted through processes outlined by the...Read More »
Being at the forefront of a fast-moving trend can be a double-edged sword for microhospital operators, which get to differentiate themselves as...Read More »
An effective prescreen process helps to ensure that nonviable candidates for employment never make it to first base. It also helps to minimize the risk of throwing open the door to due process if an application to the medical staff is offered and then denied after you have formally started to...
"It’s nearly impossible for a genuinely compassionate doctor not to leave small pieces of themselves behind along the way. But, to be honest, I...Read More »
Although MSPs in any setting may feel underappreciated at times, those in provider enrollment positions and environments are often among the most misunderstood. Typically, there are no specific job eligibility criteria for professionals in these roles other than the ability to type and follow...
Despite popular belief that hiring physicians has a negative impact on a hospital’s finances, the results of a new survey of 47 health systems...Read More »
Per most states’ hospital licensure requirements, medical staff membership and clinical privileges are granted through processes outlined by the...Read More »
A fatal mistake physicians often make when stepping into a leadership role is to convince themselves that they can become an effective leader just...Read More »