Most hospitals have one or more exclusive contracts with members of the medical staff to ensure round-the-clock coverage for a particular service. Physicians who find themselves ineligible to hold certain privileges as a result of an exclusive arrangement may sue the hospital. Therefore, medical...

Although writing meeting minutes is a tedious task for MSPs, no one can argue their importance. Minutes are an official record of what happened during a meeting, and their principal purpose is to provide committee members, staff, and others with a:

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A “no-retaliation” policy makes it clear that reporting improper conduct is a duty of all staff members. It articulates the disciplinary consequences of any effort to punish an employee for carrying out this duty. Hospital leadership must enforce the policy vigorously; otherwise, their...

The process of a hearing following the MEC’s recommendation for corrective action is an important right that must be spelled out in the bylaws. It is essential that this section of the bylaws is carefully thought out, drafted with precision, and kept in strict compliance with the minimum...
